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answering questions

FINAL PROJECT    1. What would do if you found 100.000 dollars in a bag in the street? If I found a 100.00 dollars in a bag in the street I would probably keep the middle and the other midlde Iwould give it to a close person in wich I have trust.  2.  What would you do if you saw a ghost? If I see a ghost I would try to get closer y see him o see her and know how is his form.  3. What would you do if you saw someone fall from a boat? I would probably fall with him or her.  4.  What would you do if you saw a thief stealing a wallet ? If I see a thief stealing a wallet I would telling the person who is stealing and that person do what he or she can.  5.  What would you do if you saw a bear while walking in the woods ? I would try to hide of him, climb a tree and when the bear is away try to scape.  6.  What would you do if you were trapped in a room where the walls were closing in on you ? I would try to find the exit runing trought the room or try to scape from a window, but if the room

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